What is the minimum age requirement to take yoga at Sol to Soul?
The minimum age requirement for heated classes is 16 years old and for non-heated classes is 13 years old. All students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by adult in class, unless the class is meant for a certain age group (ex: Youth Yoga or Yoga for Teens).
What is Infrared Heat and what are the benefits?
Infrared heat warms rooms and people rather than heating the air. Infrared is a gentle, natural form of heating that penetrates the skin, warming you from the inside. Infrared heat can have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that it can help to improve blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and improve circulation. The heat also encourages us to deepen flexibilities and reduces the likelihood of injury as opposed to stretching/moving in cooler environments.
How HOT are the heated classes?
Hot classes range between 98 and 105 degrees. Heated classes range between 85 and 95 degrees. The “feeling” of heat in class is conditional on number of students; more students = hotter class. We do have a dehumidifier in the Hot room to help control the temperature and remove moisture from the air. If you’re concerned about heat, there are cooler places in the room to lay your mat for your practice.
Do I need to be flexible to do yoga?
Absolutely not! It’s a common misconception and yoga does not require you to have a certain level of flexibility to begin. Yoga didn’t originate with all the (asana) poses we see now. The physical practice is an avenue to bring us into the stillness yoga encourages. Its important to remember that perfecting a pose or having flexibility (although impressive!) doesn’t matter. Your body will naturally respond to your physical practice with a progression in flexibility and strength over time. Yoga is about union, the connection of mind & body; encouraging us to be present in the moment.
I’m pregnant, should I be taking heated classes?
Always, consult with your doctor first to be cleared for a movement practice. Pregnancy requires MORE hydration and the heat can cause dizziness and/or dehydration in combination with movement. It is not recommended to practice yoga in a heated space beyond 10 weeks of pregnancy. Yoga is a safe form of exercise during pregnancy which helps strengthen and stretch pelvic muscles for birth, however it is important to exercise caution in heated classes so as not to overstretch and/or bring about heat exhaustion.
What should I wear and bring to class?
We recommend wearing something that you feel comfortable sweating in. That could be loose clothing or form fitting exercise clothes. While we do have everything you need for your yoga practice at the studio, our prop supply is limited. We recommend bringing your own yoga mat and at very least a water bottle. We have a water filling station if you need to fill up before or after class.
What do I do if I can’t do a certain pose?
Your yoga practice is just for you. Everyone has limitations and some days can be more challenging than others. The best thing to do in moments like this are to modify using your props, chill out in child’s pose or even observe others moving into the pose. You should never try to force yourself into a pose just because its been given. That could lead to an injury and is never a goal in any movement practice. Listen to and honor your body for its progress, not perfection.
What is the max capacity in each class/classroom?
The Hot room (downstairs) has a max capacity of 25 students. The Classical room (upstairs) has a max capacity of 12 students. Heated Yin and Restorative style classes have a maximum of 15 students per class due to prop availability.